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Example 3: Folium

This example provides a quick overview on how to create a Folium map with some simple shapes.

To get started, go to, click on Maps, and select Drawing shapes.

Step 1: Inputs

For the inputs, create a Single Select with the following properties:

  • Name: map_tile
  • Label: Map Tile
  • Options:
    • OpenStreetMap
    • Stamen Terrain
    • Stamen Toner
    • Stamen Watercolor

and create a Color Picker with the following properties:

  • Name: color
  • Label: Shape color
  • Default value: #43BFF5

Step 2: Code

Creating a map

Start by creating a Folium map instance, m that has the following attributes:

  • location: the initial center of the map in latitude and longitude.
  • zoom_start: the initial zoom level.
  • tiles: map tiles.
    • Map tiles specify the type of map to use, such as satellite vs. road.
    • "OpenStreetMap" is the standard tile used to see roads.
    • See possible map tiles here.
m = folium.Map(location=[45.372, -121.6972],
zoom_start=15, tiles=inputs['map_tile'])

Adding shapes

To add shapes to your map, first create the shape and then use .add_to(m) to add it to your map.

Add two Markers to your map:

  • location is the marker position in latitude and longitude.
  • popup shows up when you click on the marker. You can use HTML in the string.
  • tooltip shows up when you hover over the marker.
  • icon is the optional icon for the marker.
[45.372, -121.6972], popup="<i>Italic popup text</i>", tooltip="Click on Marker"

folium.Marker( # Marker with icon
location=[45.371, -121.683],
popup="<b>Bold popup text</b>",
tooltip="Click on Marker",
icon=folium.Icon(color=inputs['color'], icon="info-sign"),

Add a PolyLine to your map:

  • locations is the list of points that when connected makes up the line.
  • color is the color of the line as a hex color code.
  • tooltip shows up when you hover over the PolyLine.
  • weight is the line thickness.
  • opacity is the transparency of the line.
lat_lng_points = [[45.372, -121.6972],
[45.373, -121.6831],
[45.371, -121.683]]
weight=5, # line thickness
opacity=0.8 # transparency

Add a Circle to your map:

  • radius is the radius of the circle.
  • location is the center of the circle in latitude and longitude.
  • tooltip shows up when you hover over the Circle.
  • popup shows up when you click on the circle. You can use HTML in the string.
  • color is the color of the circle as a hex color code.
location=[45.372, -121.6972],
tooltip="Click on Circle",

Exporting the map

Finally to export the map, simply use ._repr_html_() to convert the Folium map object into HTML that can be displayed in the output step.

map_html = m._repr_html_()
return {"map": map_html}

Full code

import folium

def main(inputs):
# Create a folium map
m = folium.Map(location=[45.372, -121.6972],
zoom_start=15, tiles=inputs['map_tile'])

# Add markers to map
[45.372, -121.6972], popup="<i>Italic popup text</i>", tooltip="Click on Marker"
folium.Marker( # Marker with icon
location=[45.371, -121.683],
popup="<b>Bold popup text</b>",
tooltip="Click on Marker",
icon=folium.Icon(color=inputs['color'], icon="info-sign"),

# Add line shape
lat_lng_points = [[45.372, -121.6972],
[45.373, -121.6831],
[45.371, -121.683]]
weight=5, # line thickness
opacity=0.8 # transparency

# Add circle shape
location=[45.372, -121.6972],
tooltip="Click on Circle",

# Export folium map as HTML string
map_html = m._repr_html_()

return {"map": map_html}

Step 3: Output

{{ }}
