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Exporting Tables

There are different ways by which a table can be embedded in the output page. Example 3 in the introduction section provides a detailed example that the developer can follow in which a table is generated and embedded in the output page. The example provides two options:

  1. The <table> HTML tags can be used to generate a table directly in the output editor as shown in the Conditionals section.
  2. The Pandas library is used to construct the data as a Pandas dataframe, and then the .to_html() method is used to convert the dataframe into HTML that can be displayed.
  3. Using the mecsimcalc library to convert a Pandas dataframe into an HTML table.

Using the mecsimcalc library


import pandas as pd
import mecsimcalc as msc

def main(inputs):
table = inputs["table"]

# Pick header names for the Columns
column_names = ["Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"]

# Coverting the table to html using the mecsimcalc library
table_html = msc.print_table(column_names, table)

# If you want to modify the table, or extract data from it
# you can convert it to a dataframe using the mecsimcalc library
df = msc.table_to_dataframe(column_names, table)
dataframe_html_table = df.to_html(index = True)

return {
"html_table": html_table,
"dataframe_html_table": dataframe_html_table


Displaying the table without converting it to a dataframe
{{ outputs.html_table }}

Displaying the table after converting it to a dataframe
{{ outputs.dataframe_html_table }}